Continued from Torn Apart . "Connie? What are you- GAH! " An unexpected scream jolted Shelby out of her pleasurable stupor. She paused mid-lick, both of her female tongues still pressed firmly against her dad-body's tangy, salty cock. Then she turned to see where the noise had come from. At the bottom of the stairs, one of her neighbours was standing on the sidewalk, frozen in shock. The need for pleasure had been so overwhelming that the possibility of somebody stumbling across the spectacle hadn't even crossed Shelby's mind. "Uh.. s-sorry," she stammered. "I- I mean, we- we were in an accident, and-" The words came out in her own nasal voice. The horrified woman gawked for a few seconds before storming away in disgust. Ugh . That was embarrassing. Shelby had no clue who the woman was, but she'd addressed her mom by name, so they must have been somewhat acquainted. She just hoped the woman wouldn't go around spreading rumours abou...
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