
Showing posts from January, 2025

Request "Scrapyard" (Misc. Caps)

 I have quite a few discarded bits and pieces of caps. Some of them were requests that never got finished, or ideas I wanted to get onto a template and never expanded on. I'm curious - out of what's here, are there any you'd like to see continued or fleshed out?

Much Too Familiar

 From a comment request: How about a caption about a guy in college watching a porn and discovering his mom as the pornstar. He immediately goes home and finds her with new boobs and tattoos, only to find out she’s not his mother. A pervert guy possess her and makes money by making porn using her body.  

Closer Again

 From a request on reddit: I was thinking a college freshman aged guy wishes his family could be closer again. The mom and dad having a dry if not nonexistent sexlife. The sister in her jr. year if college, busy sleeping around and partying at college, and the guy not even having a girlfriend. Then all of them swap. They're in a scene where maybe the sister is a guy getting cucked, and the mom is in one guy and the dad is in the other and the guy in the woman getting fucked. They all can't help but fuck, and the sister can only watch, never getting to fuck her brothers new body but constantly wanting to. This one's pretty convoluted. Hope I did it justice!    

Awkward Situations

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